


GRIB renews its Quality accreditation as a member of the IT Network

The Research Unit on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB) has renewed its Quality accreditation as a member of the Quality System defined by the Network of Innovation Support Centres (IT Network) of the Centre for Innovation and Business Development (CIDEM) of the Catalan Government.

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Kick off meeting of the European project @neurIST in Barcelona

1st January 2006 was the official start date of the European project “@neurIST: Integrated Biomedical Informatics for the Management of Cerebral Aneurysm” to provide channels for the integration of all data sources on cerebral aneurysm. @neurIST is a project scientifically coordinated by the University Pompeu Fabra with significant participation of the GRIB in project management and also scientific tasks.

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The INFOBIOMED Training Challenge recognized as one of the best ideas of 2005

The First INFOBIOMED Training Challenge (ITC) has been granted an award by the leading Spanish medical newspaper "Diario Médico" as one of "The best ideas of the year" under the "Professional Policies" category. The award ceremony has taken place on 28th of November in the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, in Barcelona.

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GRIB participates in EXPOQUIMIA 2005

GRIB has participated in EXPOQUIMIA 2005, the International Chemical Industry Exhibition that has taken place in Fira de Barcelona – Gran Via M2 from 14th to 18th November, through an information point in the stand of FiTec and with an oral presentation entitled "Navegating through chemical libraries" by Dr. Jordi Mestres, head of the Research Group on Chemogenomics of the GRIB.

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The project team of the INFOBIOMED Pilot project on Pharmainformatics celebrates a working meeting in Girona

The Research Group on Chemogenomics of the GRIB hosted last 13th and 14th October a meeting in Girona about the network of Excellence INFOBIOMED. Drs. Jordi Mestres and Montserrat Cases in representation of the GRIB met with the INFOBIOMED partners involved in the work package 6.1, which concerns the topic of Pharmainformatics.

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The MSc Bioinformatics for Health Sciences starts in November

We are pleased to announce the start of the second edition of the MSc Bioinformatics for Health Sciences, in November 2005, a master promoted by the Research Unit on Biomedical Informatics (IMIM/UPF/PRBB) and the Molecular Recognition & Bioinformatics Group (UB/PCB).

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Four GRIB research projects receive National Plan for R&D financing

The GRIB research groups leaded by Drs. Eduardo Eyras, Jordi Mestres, Baldomero Oliva and Manuel Pastor have received a grant of the National Plan for R&D, managed by the Science and Education Ministry, to start or continue developing research projects.

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The Complex Systems Group of the GRIB participates in a project to build an artificial protocell

Groups and projects world wide are intensifying efforts to understand the basic principles of chemical living systems. Among these initiatives, there is the integrated project PACE (Programmable Artificial Cell Evolution), a European consortium of 13 partners and 2 cooperating groups that aims to build a very simple, nano-scale artificial protocell able to self replicate and evolve under controlled conditions. The Complex Systems Group, who belongs to the GRIB...

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Dr. Roderic Guigó is appointed to a professorship at UPF

Dr. Roderic Guigó, coordinator of the Research Group on Genome Bioinformatics from the Research Unit on Biomedical Informatics, has been appointed to a professorship at the Departament de Ciències Experimentals i de la Salut (CEXS) of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF).

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Everyone wins in the First INFOBIOMED Training Challenge

Ten students from seven countries have participated with successful results in the First INFOBIOMED Training Challenge, an innovative experience coordinated by the GRIB and organized by the European Network of Excellence INFOBIOMED to promote the consolidation of Biomedical Informatics (BMI)

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