


GRIB has renewed the Quality Certificate from the Centre for Innovation and Business Development (CIDEM) of the Catalan Government

The accreditation certifies that GRIB has implemented a Quality Management System in accordance with the accreditation process of the Network of Innovation Technology Support Centres (Xarxa IT)

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Ferran Sanz


Ferran Sanz will participate at the Scientific Committee of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI).

Ferran Sanz, Director of GRIB, full professor with tenure of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Area (Biostadistics and Biomedical Informatics) at Pompeu Fabra University has been nominated as member of Scientific Committee of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI).

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GRIB co - organized the European Chemical Biology Symposium (ECBS) held in Barcelona

GRIB co - organized the European Chemical Biology Symposium (ECBS) held in Barcelona, Spain, July 10th-11th, 2008. The even was hosted by: the Barcelona Science Park (PCB, Parc CientĂ­fic de Barcelona), and the Biomedical Research Park of Barcelona (PRBB)

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GRIB celebrates the Annual Retreat

The event took place the 28th and 29th of May at Gran Hotel Rey Don Jaime at Castelldefels with the participation of more that 50 people. The retreat started with a meeting of the IP´s devoted to strategical issues of the Unit and continued the day after with some scientific poster sessions opened to all the GRIB people.

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The GRIB has been granted a national thematic research network on Computational Biomedicine (COMBIOMED)

This thematic network has been approved in the last call of thematic health research networks (RETICS) granted by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III.

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The GRIB sponsored PTEMI Meeting held in Barcelona, on 26-27th november.

The GRIB is one of the leading partners of the PTEMI initiative (Spanish Technological Platform for Innovative Medicines), a platform that aims to encourage biomedical research into new medicines through the co-operation of all agents:

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PS3GRID Live: we can carry out computational biomedical calculations on our Playstation 3 with a pen drive

The project PS3GRID Live is coordinated by Gianni de Fabritiis, (GRIB researcher) with the collaboration of Matt Harvey researcher at the Imperial College of London as well as Jordi VillĂ  and Giovanni Giuponni, both researchers at the GRIB Laboratory Computational Biochemical and Biophysics. They have set up a platform at, that will allow those interested to put their own videogame console at the disposal of high-level international science.

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The GRIB, BAPP, NEUROPHAR and IAT research groups hosted last 19th November a meeting about the European Initiative IMI.

The GRIB, BAPP, NEUROPHAR and IAT research groups hosted last 19th November a meeting on the PRBB premises about the European Initiative IMI (Innovative Medicines Initiative). This event was mainly addressed to the industry, especially the pharmaceutical sector, and intended to offer an update of the IMI European initiative with emphasis on the potential it offers to establish collaboration among companies and academic institutions such as GRIB, NEUROPHAR, BAPP and IAT.
In this context, we aimed at showing how research undertaken in these PRBB centres could fit into the priorities that IMI will fund.

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GRIB members participate in the "Forum for Innovation 2007"

The Forum for Innovation, organised by CIDEM (Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurial Development of the Government of Catalonia), is a meeting place for the innovators of Catalonia.

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INFOBIOMED selected as "Project of the Month" of October 2007, by the European Commission Information Society & Media DG

The INFOBIOMED Project is a Network of Excellence coordinated by the GRIB that aims to structure the Biomedical Informatics discipline to support of individualised healthcare. This project aims to consolidate the discipline of Biomedical Informatics, by exploiting the synergies between Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics, in order to facilitate the discovery of novel prognostic, diagnostic and therapeutic methods.

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