


"Evolutionary trajectories of new duplicated and putative de novo genes" new paper of Mar Albà and José Carlos Montañes of Evolutionary Genomics group

Mar Albà and José Carlos Montañes of Evolutionary Genomics group have published a new paper "Evolutionary trajectories of new duplicated and putative de novo genes" on the Molecular Biology and Evolution Journal 

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Manuel Pastor and Karolina Kopanska with the poster


Manuel Pastor and Karolina Kopanska, members of the PharmacoInformatics (Phi) group of GRIB/UPF, participated in the RISK-HUNT3R General Assembly meeting

A few weeks ago, the members of the PharmacoInformatics (Phi) group of GRIB/UPF, Manuel Pastor and Karolina Kopanska, participated in the RISK-HUNT3R General Assembly meeting in Egmond aan Zee (NL), were attended by 100 consortium participants to discuss the project's progress and preliminary outcomes of the ASPIS Safety Profiling Algorithm (ASPA) supporting the toxicological NGRA

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Julia Perez

Thesis defence of Judith Pérez Granado: Genetic associations on major depression: curation and functional analysis

Next Friday, 8th of March at 12:00, Judith Pérez Granado, member of the the Integrative Biomedical Informatics Group will read her thesis: "Genetic associations on major depression: curation and functional analysis

You are invited to attend this event. It will take place in room 61.127 of the UPF or you can watch it online. 

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Dra. Jana Selent


The OBELISK project, coordinated by Jana Selent, will receive funding from the Horizon Europe programme of the European Union

The Hospital del Mar Institute for Medical Research (IMIM- Hospital del Mar) will participate in four projects that will receive funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe programme. In total, around EUR 30 million will be earmarked for research in the fields of oncological surgery, oncology, obesity and mental health. Of these, almost 2.5 million will go directly to research carried out at the IMIM-Hospital del Mar.

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From left to right, Jordi Martínez, Juan Manuel Ramírez, Miguel Ángel Mayer, Ángela Leis, Francesc Cots and Marta Carbonell


EMA selects Hospital del Mar Institute for Medical Research and Hospital de Mar to be data partner of the DARWIN EU data network®

The European Medicines Agency selected Hospital del Mar and the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute to be a Data Partner of the DARWIN EU® data network, an EU-wide federated network of high-quality observational healthcare databases across Europe, that provides expertise and services to support regulatory decision-making throughout the lifecycle of medicinal products.

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The TV3 Marathon and Catalunya Ràdio will finance the project 'A integrative approach to schizophrenia risk prediction by taking advantage of the brain image and the olfactory neuroepiteli transcriptoma', headed by Dr. Gabriel Santpere

Press Release IMIM 03/11/2022

On 3 November, the 36 projects selected by Patronat de la Fundació de La Marató have been made public on the proposal of the Scientific Advisory Committee.

Dr. Gabriel Santpere, coordinator of the Neurogenomics Research Group and with the participation of the Fundación Institut Pere Virgili and Barcelona Braeta Brain Research Center (BBRC), research centre of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation, his project 'A integrating approach to schizophrenia risk prediction taking advantage of the brain image and the transcriptome of the olfactory neuroepiteli' has been selected among the 150 proposals presented.

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Dr. Mar Albà


The GRIB receives an ERC grant of 2.5 million euros to expand knowledge of the human genome

Dr. Mar Albà, ICREA professor and coordinator of the Evolutionary Genomics Group, director of the GRIB and associate professor at UPF, has received a grant of 2.5 million euros from the European Research Council (ERC), to develop the NovoGenePop project. This study seeks to expand our current knowledge of the human genome by searching for genes that are specific to certain individuals or populations.

Over the next five years, the group led by Dr. Albà will work on "opening up new horizons in research, studying the diversity of genes in populations". Their field of study focuses on de novo genes, those that have been created recently due to mutations that accumulate constantly and which have no negative consequences for the organism. Having bioinformatics tools for identifying these genes can be very useful in a number of fields. "The aim is to take a step forward in our understanding of how new genes are formed from the genome, not on long evolutionary scales, but at the population level", explains Dr. Albà. The goal of the project is to identify the diversity of these novel genes, based on data from yeast populations and human cell lines, for which genomic sequences are already available. Using massive RNA and protein sequencing tools, it will be possible to detect novel genes and identify the mutations associated with their formation. To refine the research, the data will be compared with information from other related species.

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Author: María José Falaguera; Title: Systems pharmacology network


​Thesis defense of María José Falaguera on Tuesday 26th of April at 12pm

​Next Tuesday 26th of April at 12pm, María José Falaguera, member of the the Systems Pharmacology Group of GRIB will read her thesis: "Illuminating the chemical space of therapeutical relevance: from pharmaceutical patents to untargeted proteins". It will take place in room 61.206 of the UPF Campus Mar building (2nd floor). You are invited to attend this event.


Systems pharmacology is the discipline that studies the so-called 'pharmacological space' with a holistic and network-based perspective. Its​ challenge is to shed light on the astonishingly sophisticated biological processes that characterize living cells, and the effect that exogenous​ chemical entities with therapeutic purposes have when entering them. From this perspective, a series of novel computationally-developed​ methodologies are presented in this Thesis. They aim from the exploration of the pharmacologically-relevant chemical space claimed in patents, to the unveiling of pharmacological opportunities to drug yet untargeted proteins.

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CompBioMed project Logo



The MMSML Workshop will be held at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) from 14th to 16th of July 2022 and is organized by the Computational Science group of GRIB led by Gianni de Fabritiis as part of the training activities of CompBioMed2, a European Commission H2020 funded Centre of Excellence focused on the use and development of computational methods for biomedical applications. Comprising members from academia, industry and the healthcare sector, CompBioMed2 has established itself as a hub for practitioners in the field, successfully nucleating a substantial body of research, education, training, innovation and outreach within the nascent field of Computational Biomedicine.

Registration at the web of the event 

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