Next thursday, 17th of December at 11.00 h, Janet Piñero González, member of the Integrative Biomedical Informatics group of GRIB will defense her thesis "Computational approaches and resources to support translational research in human diseases" at Josep Marull room placed on the ground floor of Doctor Aiguader, 80 (Campus Mar Building). You are all invited to this event.
Next friday 18th of December, at 11.00 h at the classroom number 473.10, placed at the fourth floor of the PRBB building, Christian Pérez Llamas, member of the Biomedical Genomics group of GRIB will defend his thesis: "Computational approaches for integrative cancer genomics ". You are all invited to this event.
Next friday, 11th of December at 10:00, Pau Carrió, member of the PharmacoInformatics group of GRIB will defense his thesis "Development of advanced strategies for the prediction of toxicity endpoints in drug development" at room 473.10 at PRBB. You are all invited to this event.
A new startup BioCloud, has been created with the participation of Alba Gutiérrez-Sacristan, researcher of the Integrative Biomedical Informatics Group of GRIB (IMIM-UPF) as Chief Science Officer (CSO).
The newborn startup BioCloud aims to provide cloud solutions for bioinformatic challenges such as the lack of computational power, lack of reproducibility of data analysis or data sharing difficulties among others. The startup also provides teaching tools for university courses and workshops when high computational power or data storage is needed.
The aim of the annual DCEXS symposium is to show the department's research programmes and promote the education of the young researchers, as well as provide a place where the researchers can discuss their latest results.
The DCEXS director, Arcadi Navarro, will welcome the journey together with Jorge Cuneo, the medical director of Novartis and patron of the 25 th anniversary of the UPF, and Ferran Sanz, director of GRIB. Among the invited speakers are Marta Filizola, principal investigator at the Department of Structural and Chemical Biology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (New York); Joaquin Dopazo, director of the Department of Computational Genomics of the Príncipe Felipe Research Centre (Valencia), and Alfonso Valencia, leader of the Computational and Structural Biology group of the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) and director of the Spanish National Institute for Bioinformatics. The program is completed with a number of leading researchers in biomedicine that will explore advances in the in silico strategies.
On 20th of November at 15:00, José Luis Villanueva-Cañas, member of the Evolutionary Genomics group of GRIB (IMIM-UPF) will defend his thesis "Insights into mammalian adaptive evolution through genomics data" at Sala Ramón y Cajal (PRBB ground floor). You are all invited to this event.
last update 30/10/2015
The symposium, organized by the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences (DCEXS) and the GRIB (IMIM-UPF) will be held on Tuesday, November 17th 2015, at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) auditorium and will bring together leading researchers in the vibrant field of biomedical research, to explore new advances in in silico strategies.
Confirmed Speakers: Alfonso Valencia, Mihaela Zavolan, Caroline Gubser Keller, Marta Filizola, Gerhard Ecker, Bart Vannieuwenhuyse, Joaquín Dopazo
The symposium is open to everybody interested in biomedical research, and there are no registration fees. However, the number of places available are limited so you are kindly asked to register here.
Do you have a poster? Present it at the symposium reception, you can win an iPad! Send an email with your abstract to simposi.dcexs@upf.edu by the 8th of November.
In a large (30 Million €) H2020-supported collaborative project, academia joins forces with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), large industry, contract research organisations (CROs) and regulatory bodies to achieve a paradigm shift in toxicology towards a more efficient and animal-free chemical safety assessment.
The Research Programme on Biomedical Informatics, GRIB (UPF-IMIM) will have a major role in this project bringing its expertise in Bioinformatics and Chemoinformatics. In particular, members of GRIB will be responsible of compiling and making available to the rest of the consortium the enabling computational technologies that will play a central role in the project. These include read-across and quantitative structure-activity methods, in silico pharmacokinetics, platforms for the analysis of omics information, and statistical methods for data analysis and visualization. This contributions will be aligned to the role that GRIB is playing in IMI projects focused on the safety assessment of drugs: the eTOX project focused on the in silico prediction of in vivo toxicity, and the iPiE one aiming to assess the ecotoxicological risks of pharmaceuticals.
El projecte guanyador “Sistema de suport a la decisió. Petició intel·ligent de proves radiològiques en patologia mamària” va ser presentat per Manuel Pastor, Oriol López i Ferran Sanz, membres dels grups de FarmacoInformàtica i Biomedicina Computacional del GRIB juntament amb Maria del Mar Vernet, coordinadora de la Unitat Funcional de Patologia Mamària de l'Hospital del Mar.
Durant el mes de setembre, al passadís central de l'Hospital del Mar, es pot veure l'exposició dels 10 projectes finalistes. El I Concurs d'Innovació és una iniciativa que vol fomentar la cultura de la innovació a l'entorn del PSMAR, en el marc de l'Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques IMIM, i donar visibilitat als projectes d'innovació en salut, no només dels professionals de la institució sinó també dels pacients i les seves famílies.
Núria Queralt, postdoctoral researcher of the Integrative Bioinformatics group of GRIB (IMIM-UPF), has been invited to present DisGeNET: A discovery platform for the dynamical exploration of human diseases and their genes at the BioHackathon 2015.
DisGeNET is a discovery platform on human diseases and their genes, developed by the Integrative Biomedical Informatics group, led by Laura I. Furlong and F. Sanz. DisGeNET covers the full spectrum of human diseases, and currently contains more than 400,000 associations between approx. 17,000 genes and 14,000 diseases.
The BioHackathon conference focus on standardization and interoperability of bioinformatics information and web services for improving integration, preservation and utilization of databases in life sciences and it has been organized by the National Bioscience Database Center (NBDC) and Database Center for Life Science (DBCLS) since 2008.