last update 30/10/2015
We are pleased to announce the fourth DCEXS Symposium which will be held on Tuesday, November 17th 2015, at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) AUDITORIUM.
Confirmed Speaker
The symposium, organized by the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences (DCEXS) and the Research Programme on Biomedical Informatics-GRIB (IMIM-UPF), will bring together leading researchers in the vibrant field of biomedical research, to explore new advances in in silico strategies.
The symposium is part of an initiative by the DCEXS to provide a forum for leading scientists working on topics included in the Department’s Research Programs to present and discuss the latest results, to promote the education of young scientists, as well as catalysing scientific interactions between the DCEXS and other institutions.
Limited places
The symposium is open to everybody interested in biomedical research, and there are no registration fees. However, the number of places available are limited so you are kindly asked to register here
Poster competition
Do you have a poster? Present it at the symposium reception, you can win an iPad! Send an email with your abstract to by the 8th of November.