

Results 761 - 770 of about 1076

Original articles in indexed journals - Evolutionary Genomics - Computational Genomics - group

Mularoni L, Veitia RA, Alba MM. Highly constrained proteins contain an unexpectedly large number of amino acid tandem repeats. Genomics, 2007; 89(3): 316-25


Original articles in indexed journals - Evolutionary Genomics - Computational Genomics - group

Bellora N, Farre D, Alba MM. PEAKS: identification of regulatory motifs by their position in DNA sequences. Bioinformatics, 2007; 23(2): 243-4


Original articles in indexed journals - Genome Bioinformatics

Tanner S, Shen Z, Ng J, Florea L, Guigó R, Briggs SP, Bafna V. Improving gene annotation using peptide mass spectrometry. Genome Res 2007; 17: 231-39.


Original articles in indexed journals - Genome Bioinformatics

Alioto TS. U12DB: a database of orthologous U12-type spliceosomal introns. Nucleic Acids Res 2007; 35: D110-5


Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Corominas B, Valverde S, Rodriguez-Caso C, Solé RV. K-scaffold subgraphs in complex networks. Europh Lett 2007; 88(1): pp 18004.


Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Valverde S. Crossover from Endogenous to Exogenous Activity in Open-Source Software Development. Europh Lett 2007; 77(2): pp 20002


Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Montoya J, Yvon-Durocher G. Ecological networks: information theory meets Darwin´s entangled bank. Curr Biol 2007; 17(4): R128-30.


Original articles in indexed journals - Computational Genomics - group

Marques-Bonet T , Sanchez-Ruiz J, Armengol L, Khaja R , Bertranpetit J, Rocchi M, Gazave E, Lopez-Bigas N, Navarro A. On the association between chromosomal rearrangements and genic evolution in humans and chimpanzees. Genome Biology, 2007; 8(10). PMID: 17971225 . DOI: 10.1186/gb-2007-8-10-r230.


Original articles in indexed journals - Computational Genomics - group - Functional Genomics

Denoeud F, Kapranov P, Ucla C, Frankish A, Castelo R, Drenkow J,  Lagarde J, Alioto T, Manzano C, Chrast J, Dike S, Wyss C, Henrichsen CN, Holroyd N, Dickson MC, Taylor R, Hance Z, Foissac S, Myers RM, Rogers J, Hubbard T, Harrow J, Guigó R, Gingeras TR, Antonarakis SE, Reymond A. Prominent use of distal 5' transcription start sites and discovery of a large number of additional exons in ENCODE regions. Genome Res 2007; 17:746-759. PMID: 17567994 .


Original articles in indexed journals - Computational Genomics - group - Functional Genomics

Segura J, Fillat C, Andreu D, Llop J, Millan O, de la Torre BG, Nikolovski Z, Gomez V, Andreu N, Pinyot A, Castelo R, Gispert JD, Pascual JA. Monitoring gene therapy by external imaging of mRNA: pilot study on murine Erythropoietin, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 2007, 29(5):612-618.. PMID: 17898652 .


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