

Results 531 - 540 of about 1076

Original articles in indexed journals - Structural Bioinformatics

Garcia-Garcia J, Bonet J, Guney E, Fornes O, Planas J, Oliva B. Networks of protein-protein interactions: from uncertainty to molecular details. Molecular Informatics, 2012; 31 (5):342-362 DOI: 10.1002/minf.201200005.


Original articles in indexed journals - Evolutionary Genomics - Computational Genomics - group

Toll-Riera M, Bostick D, Alba MM, Plotkin JB. Structure and age jointly influence rates of protein evolution. PLoS Comput Biol, 2012; 8 (5):e1002542. PMID: 22693443 . DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002542.


Original articles in indexed journals - Computational Genomics - group

Ingles-Esteve J, Morales M, Dalmases A, Garcia-Carbonell R, Jene-Sanz A, Lopez-Bigas N, Iglesias M, Ruiz-Herguido C, Rovira A, Rojo F, Albanell J, Gomis RR, Bigas A, Espinosa L. Inhibition of Specific NF-kappa B Activity Contributes to the Tumor Suppressor Function of 14-3-3 sigma in Breast Cancer. PLOS ONE, 2012; 7 (5) e38347 . PMID: 22675457 . DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0038347.


Original articles in indexed journals - Computational Science

Giorgino T, Buch I, De Fabritiis G. Visualizing the Induced Binding of SH2-Phosphopeptide. J Chem Theory Comput, 2012; 8  (4): 1171-1175 DOI: 10.1021/ct300003f.


Original articles in indexed journals - Computational RNA Biology - Computational Genomics - group

Erb I, González-Vallinas JR, Bussotti G, Blanco E, Eyras E, Notredame C. Use of ChIP-Seq data for the design of a multiple promoter-alignment method. Nucleic Acids Res, 2012; 40 (7): e52. PMID: 22230796 . DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkr1292.


Original articles in indexed journals - Systems Pharmacology

Gallastegui E, Marshall B, Vidal D, Sánchez G, Sánchez S, Collado JA, Luque N, Terme J-M, Gatell JM, Muñoz E, Mestres J, Verdin E, Jordan A. Combination of Biological Screening in a Cellular Model of Viral Latency with Virtual Screening Identifies Novel Compounds that Reactivate HIV-1. Journal of Virology, 2012; 86, 3795-3808. PMID: 22258251 . DOI: 10.1128/JVI.05972-11.


Original articles in indexed journals - Integrative Biomedical Informatics - Systems Pharmacology

Bauer-Mehren A, van Mulligen EM, Avillach P, Carrascosa MC, Garcia-Serna R, Piñero J, Singh B, Lopes P, Oliveira JL, Diallo G, Ahlberg Helgee E, Boyer S, Mestres J, Sanz F, Kors JA, Furlong LI. Automatic Filtering and Substantiation of Drug Safety Signals. PLoS Comput Biol, 2012; 8(4); e1002457. PMID: 22496632 . DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002457.


Original articles in indexed journals - Integrative Biomedical Informatics - Systems Pharmacology

Flachner B, Lörincz Z, Carotti A, Nicolotti O, Kuchipudi P, Remez N, Sanz F, Tóvári J, Szabó MJ, Bertók B, Cseh S, Mestres J, Dormán G. A chemocentric approach to the identification of cancer targets. PLoS ONE, 2012;  7 (4); e35582. PMID: 22558171 . DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0035582.


Original articles in indexed journals - Evolutionary Genomics - Computational Genomics - group

Shikhagaie M, Merce-Maldonado E, Isern E, Muntasell A, Alba MM, Lopez-Botet M, Hengel H, Angulo A. The Human Cytomegalovirus-Specific UL1 Gene Encodes a Late-Phase Glycoprotein Incorporated in the Virion Envelope. Journal of Virology, 86 (8):4091-4101. PMID: 22345456 . DOI: 10.1128/JVI.06291-11.


Original articles in indexed journals - GPCR Drug Discovery

Oddi S, Dainese E, Sandiford S, Fezza F, Lanuti M, Chiurchiu V, Totaro A, Catanzaro G, Barcaroli D, De Laurenzi V, Centonze D, Mukhopadhyay S, Selent J, Howlett AC, Maccarrone M. Effects of palmitoylation of Cys(415) in helix 8 of the CB1 cannabinoid receptor on membrane localization and signalling. British Journal of Pharmacology, 2012; 165 (8):2635-2651 . PMID: 21895628 . DOI: 10.1111/j.1476-5381.2011.01658.x.


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