

Results 971 - 980 of about 1338

Original articles in indexed journals - Computational Biochemistry

Bonet J, Caltabiano G, Khan AK, Johnston MA, Corbí C, Gomez A, Rovira X, Teyra J; Villa-Freixa J. The Role of Residue Stability in Transient Protein-Protein Interactions involved in Enzymatic Phosphate Hydrolysis. A computational Study. Proteins, 2006; 63: 65–77. PMID: 16374872 . DOI: 10.1002/prot.20791.


Book chapters - Systems Pharmacology

Mestres J. Mapping the Chemogenomic Space. In: Jacoby E (Ed). Chemogenomics: Knowledge-based Approaches to Drug Discovery. London: Imperial College Press; 2006. p. 39-57


Original articles in indexed journals - Structural Bioinformatics

Aragüés R, Jaeggi D, Oliva B. PIANA: Protein Interactions and Network Analysis. Bioinformatics, 2006; ;22(8):1015-7. PMID: 16510498 . DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btl072.


Reviews in indexed journals - Structural Bioinformatics

Fernandez-Fuentes N, Oliva B, Fiser A. A supersecondary structure library and search algorithm for modeling loops in protein structures. Nucleic Acids Res 2006; 34 (7): 2085-97.. PMID: 16617149 . DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkl156.


Original articles in indexed journals - Evolutionary Genomics - Computational Genomics - group

Mularoni L, Guigo R, Alba MM. Mutation patterns of amino acid tandem repeats in the human proteome. Genome Biol, 2006; 7(4): R33


Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Buhl J, Gautrais J, Reeves N, Solé RV, Valverde S, Kuntz P, Theraulaz G. Topological patterns in street networks of self-organized urban settlements. Chemphyschem 2006; 49: 513-22


Original articles in indexed journals - Computational Science

Serrano M, De Fabritiis G, Espanol P, Coveney PV, A stochastic Trotter integration scheme for dissipative particle dynamics. Math. Comput. Simul. 72, 190 (2006). DOI: 10.1016/j.matcom.2006.05.019.


Original articles in indexed journals - Computational Science

De Fabritiis G, Serrano M, Espanol P, Coveney PV. Efficient numerical integrators for stochastic models. Physica A 361, 429 (2006). DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2005.06.090.


Original articles in indexed journals - PharmacoInformatics

Neuhoff S, Artursson P, Zamora I, Ungell AL. Impact of Extracellular Protein Binding on Passive and Active Drug Transport Across Caco-2 Cells. Pharm Res 2006; 23(2): p.350-9.. PMID: 16388407 . DOI: 10.1007/s11095-005-9304-3.


Original articles in indexed journals - Computational Genomics - group

Lopez-Bigas N, Blencowe BJ, Ouzounis CA. Highly consistent patterns for inherited human diseases at the molecular level. Bioinformatics, 2006; 22(3): 269-77.. PMID: 16287936 . DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bti781.


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