

Results 471 - 480 of about 1338

Original articles in indexed journals - Evolutionary Genomics

Ruiz-Orera J, Messeguer X, Subirana JA, Alba MM. Long non-coding RNAs as a source of new peptides. eLife, 2014; 3, e03523 . PMID: 25233276 . DOI: 10.7554/eLife.03523.001.


Original articles in indexed journals - PharmacoInformatics - GPCR Drug Discovery

Gonzalez RAD, Silva AG, Guillen EM, McCormick PJ, Solano MM, Torres MIC, Maeso MP, Garcia MIL, Selent J, Perez MC. Investigation of the dimerization interface of the serotonin 5-ht2a receptor by computational and experimental. approaches. Basic & Clinical pharmacology & toxicology, 2014; 115; 49-49; 2 SI70


Original articles in indexed journals - Structural Bioinformatics

Bonet J, Segura J, Planas-Iglesias J, Oliva B, Fernandez-Fuentes N. Frag'r'Us: knowledge-based sampling of protein backbone conformations for de novo structure-based protein design. Bioinformatics, 2014;30 (13): 1935-1936. PMID: 24603983 . DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btu129 JUL 1 2014.


Original articles in indexed journals - GPCR Drug Discovery

Guixa-Gonzalez R, Javanainen M, Martinez-Seara H, Gomez-Soler M, Domingo JC, Vattulainen I, Ciruela F, Selent J. Cell Membrane Composition Affects GPCR Aggregation. Biophys J, 2014; 106 (2):517A-518A: Sup 1


Other - Integrative Biomedical Informatics

Carbonell P, Trosset JY. Overcoming drug resistance through in silico prediction. Drug Discov Today Thecnol, 2014; 11: 101-7. PMID: 24847659 .


Original articles in indexed journals - Evolutionary Genomics

Gayà-Vidal M, Albà MM. Uncovering adaptive evolution in the human lineage. BMC Genomics, 2014; 15 (1): 599. PMID: 25030307 .


Original articles in indexed journals - GPCR Drug Discovery

Magnani F, Pappas CG, Crook T, Magafa V, Cordopatis P, Ishiguro S, Ohta N, Selent J, Bosnyak S, Jones ES, Gerothanassis IP, Tamura M, Widdop RE, Tzakos AG. Electronic Sculpting of Ligand-GPCR Subtype Selectivity: The Case of Angiotensin II. ACS Chem Biol, 2014; 9 (7):1420-1425 DOI: 10.1021/cb500063y JUL 2014.


Original articles in indexed journals - Integrative Biomedical Informatics - Systems Pharmacology

Horvath D, Lisurek M, Rupp B, Kühne R, Specker E, von Kries J, Rognan D, Andersson CD, Almqvist F, Elofsson M, Enqvist PA, Gustavsson AL, Remez N, Mestres J, Marcou G, Varnek A, Hibert M, Quintana J, Frank R. Design of a General-Purpose European Compound Screening Library for EU-OPENSCREEN. ChemMedChem, 2014; 9 (10):2309-2326. PMID: 25044981 . DOI: 10.1002/cmdc.201402126.


Original articles in indexed journals - Computational Science

Lauro G, Ferruz N, Fulle S, Harvey MJ, Finn PW*, de Fabritiis G*. Reranking Docking Poses Using Molecular Simulations and Approximate Free Energy Methods. J Chem Inf Model, 2014; 54(8):2185-9. PMID: 25046765 . DOI: 10.1021/ci500309a. Epub 2014 Jul 31.


PhD Thesis - GPCR Drug Discovery

Guixà R. Modeling the interplay between membrane lipids and GPCRs. Universitat Pompeu Fabra. July 23rd, 2014. Thesis Director: Selent J.


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