

Results 1181 - 1190 of about 1338

Original articles in indexed journals - Genome Bioinformatics

Mouse Genome Sequencing Consortium (including Abril JF and Guigó R). Initial sequencing and comparative analysis of the mouse genome. Nature 2002; 420: 520-62.


Original articles in indexed journals - Integrative Biomedical Informatics

Pastor M, Benedetti P, Carotti A, Carrieri A, Díaz C, Herráiz C, Höltje HD, Loza MI, Oprea T, Padín F, Pubill F, Sanz F, Stoll F, LINK3D Consortium. Distant collaboration in drug discovery: The LINK3D project. J Comput Aid Mol Des 2002; 16: 809-18.


Reviews in indexed journals - Integrative Biomedical Informatics

Sanz F, Gago F. Current perspective of information technologies in drug discovery. J Comput Aid Mol Des 2002; 16: 767-8.


Books - Genome Bioinformatics

Guigó R, Gusfield D editors. Algorithms in Bioinformatics. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop, WABI 2002. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2002. p. 2454.


Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Gamarra JGP, Solé RV. Biomass-Diversity Responses and Spatial Dependencies in Disturbed Tallgrass Prairies. J Theor Biol 2002; 215: 468-80.


Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Solé RV, Salazar-Ciudad I, García-Fernandez J. Common Pattern Formation, Modularity and Phase Transitions in a Gene Network Model of Morphogenesis. Physica A 2002; 305: 640-7.


Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Marin J, Solé RV. Controlling chaos in unidimensional maps using macroevolutionary algorithms. Phys Rev E 2002; 65: 26207.


Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Solé RV, Newman M. Extinction and Biodiversity in the Fossil Record. Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change 2002; 2: 297-301.


Book chapters - Complex Systems

Solé RV. Macroevolutionary patterns: an ecological perspective.In: Biological Evolution and Statistical Physics. Springer-Verlag; 2002. p. 318-344.


Reviews in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Solé RV, Gamarra JGP. Metapopulation Ecology. B Math Biol 2002; 64: 209-12.


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