

Results 1141 - 1150 of about 1338

Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Montoya JA, Solé RV. Topological properties of food webs: from real data to community assembly models. Oikos 2003; 102: 614-22.


Original articles in indexed journals - Genome Bioinformatics

Abril JF, Guigó R, Wiehe T. gff2aplot: Plotting sequence comparisons. Bioinformatics 2003; 19: 2477-9.


Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Montoya JM, Rodríguez MA, Hawkins BA. Food Web Complexity and Higher-level Ecosystem Services. Ecol Lett 2003; 6: 587-93.


Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Bartumeus F, Peters F, Pueyo S, Marrassé C, Catalan J. Helical Lévy Walks: Adjusting Searching Statistics to Resource Availability in Microzooplankton. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2003; 100: 12771-5.


Book chapters - Complex Systems

Ferrer-Cancho R, Solé RV. Optimization in complex networks. En: Pastor R, Rubí M, Díaz-Guilera A, eds.Statistical Mechanics of Complex Networks. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2003: 114-126.


PhD Thesis - Genome Bioinformatics

Guigó R. Genomics: Halfway between Biology and Computing. Teraflop 2003; 73: 20-1.


Book chapters - Integrative Biomedical Informatics

Sanz F, Loza MI, Bonis J. La Bioinformàtica como soporte a las nuevas estrategias farmacogenéticas y farmacogenómicas. En: Martín F et al. Informática Biomédica. Madrid. Inbiomed 2003.


Book chapters - Integrative Biomedical Informatics

Sanz F, Loza MI, Echarri E, Cadavid MI, Cordero L. Sistemas de información farmacéutica. En: Belmonte MA, Coltell O, Maojo V, Mateu J, Sanz F. Manual de Informática Médica. Barcelona: Ed.Menarini 2003.


Original articles in indexed journals - Computational Genomics - group

Rabionet R, Lopez-Bigas N, Arbones ML, Estivill X. Connexion mutations in hearing loss, dermatological and neurological disorders. Trends Mol Med, 2002; 8(5):205-12


Original articles in indexed journals - Integrative Biomedical Informatics - PharmacoInformatics

Nicolotti O, Pellegrini ML, Altomare C, Carotti A, Sanz F. Ligand of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR): inferences from the Hansch and 3-D Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) models. Curr Med Chem 2002; 9: 1-29.


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