

Results 1101 - 1110 of about 1338

Original articles in indexed journals - Complex Systems

Solé RV, Munteanu A. The large-scale organization of chemical reaction networks in astrophysics. Europhys Lett 2004; 68(2): 170-6.


Book chapters - Genome Bioinformatics

Guigó R, Zhang MQ. Gene predictions and Annotations. In: A. Ruvinsky and J. Marshall Graves editors. Mammalian Genomics. Wallingford: CAB International; 2004.


Original articles in indexed journals - Structural Bioinformatics

Fernández-Fuentes N, Hermoso A, Espadaler J, Querol E, Avilés FX, Oliva B. Classification of common functional loops of kinase super-families. Proteins 2004; 56: 539-55.


Original articles in indexed journals - Systems Pharmacology

Fielding L, Fletcher D, Rutherford S, Kaur J, Mestres J. Exploring the Active Site of Human Factor Xa Protein by NMR Screening of Small Molecule Probes. Org Biomol Chem 2003; 1: 4235-41.. PMID: 14685325 . DOI: 10.1039/b310265c.


Original articles in indexed journals - Systems Pharmacology

Mestres J, Veeneman GH. Identification of "Latent Hits" in Compound Screening Collections. J Med Chem 2003; 46: 3441-4.. PMID: 12877579 . DOI: 10.1021/jm034078c.


Original articles in indexed journals - Computational Genomics - group

Janssen PJ, Audit B, Cases I, Darzentas N, Goldovsky L, Kunin V, Lopez-Bigas N, Peregrin-Alvarez JM, Pereira-Leal JB, Tsoka S, Ouzounis CA. Beyond 100 genomes. Genome Biology, 2003; 4: 402


Original articles in indexed journals - Functional Genomics

Castelo R, Siebes A. A characterization of moral transitive acyclic directed graph Markov models as labeled trees. J Stat Plan Infer 2003; 115: 235-59.


Original articles in indexed journals - Functional Genomics

Castelo R, Wormald N. Enumeration of P4-free chordal graphs. Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 2003; 19 (4): 467-74.


Original articles in indexed journals - Functional Genomics

Giudici P, Castelo R. Improving Markov Chain Monte Carlo model search for data mining. Mach Learn 2003; 50: 127-58.


Original articles in indexed journals - Integrative Biomedical Informatics - Computational Biochemistry

Barbany M, Gutierrez-de-Teran H, Sanz F, Villa-Freixa J, Warshel A. On the generation of catalytic antibodies by transition state analogs. ChemBioChem, 2003; 4: 277-85


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