

Results 1051 - 1060 of about 1338

Original articles in indexed journals - Integrative Biomedical Informatics - PharmacoInformatics

Gutiérrez-de-Terán H, Pastor M, Centeno NB, Aqvist J, Sanz F. Comparative analysis of putative agonist binding modes in the human A1 adenosine receptor. ChemBioChem 2004; 5: 841-9.


Original articles in indexed journals - Integrative Biomedical Informatics - Computational Biochemistry

Barbany M, Gutierrez-de-Teran H, Sanz F, Villa-Freixa J. Towards a MIP-based alignment and docking in computer-aided drug design. Proteins, 2004; 56: 585-94


Original articles in indexed journals - Computational Biochemistry

Villà-Freixa J. Review of the book: Thermodynamics of Biochemical Reactions. Robert A. Alberty. John Wiley & Sons; 2003. ChemPhysChem 2004; 5: 285-8.


Original articles in indexed journals - Systems Pharmacology

Fradera X, Mestres J. Guided Docking Approaches to Structure-Based Design and Screening. Curr Top Med Chem 2004; 4(7): 687-700.. PMID: 15032682 .


Original articles in indexed journals - Evolutionary Genomics - Computational Genomics - group

Alba MM, Guigo R. Comparative analysis of amino acid repeats in rodents and humans. Genome Res, 2004; 14(4): 549-54


Original articles in indexed journals - Functional Genomics

Castelo R, Guigó R. Splice Site Identification by idlBNs. Bioinformatics 2004; 20: 69-76.


Original articles in indexed journals - Evolutionary Genomics - Computational Genomics - group

Castresana J, Guigo R, Alba MM. Clustering of Genes Coding for DNA Binding Proteins in a Region of Atypical Evolution of Human Genome. J Mol Evol, 2004; 59: 75-9


Original articles in indexed journals - Evolutionary Genomics - Computational RNA Biology - Computational Genomics - group

Rat Genome Sequencing Project Consortium (including Camara F, Alba MM, Abril JF, Eyras E, Guigo R). Genome Sequence of the brown Norway rat yields insights into mammalian evolution. Nature, 2004; 428 (6982): 493-521. DOI: 15057822.


Book chapters - Functional Genomics

Castelo R, Perlman MD. Learning Essential Graph Markov Models from Data. In: Gámez JA, Moral S, Salmerón A. Advances in Bayesian Networks. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag; 2004. p. 255-70.


Original articles in indexed journals - Computational RNA Biology - Computational Genomics - group

Wahl MB, Caldwell RB, Kierzek AM, Arakawa H, Eyras E, Hubner N, Jung C, Soeldenwagner M, Cervelli M, Wang Y-D, Liebscher V and Buerstedde J-M. Evaluation of the chicken transcriptome by SAGE of B cells and the DT40 cell line. BMC Genomics 2004; 5: 98.. 15610564.


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