

Results 91 - 100 of about 1338

Original articles in indexed journals - Integrative Biomedical Informatics

Real de Asua D, Mayer MA, Ortega MdC, Borrel JM, Bermejo TdJ, González-Lamuño D, Manso C, Moldenhauer F, Carmona-Iragui M, Hüls A, Sherman SL, Strydom A, de la Torre R, Dierssen M on behalf of the Spanish Trisomy 21 Research Society COVID-19 Taskforce. Comparison of COVID-19 and Non-COVID-19 Pneumonia in Down Syndrome. J Clin Med, 2021; 10(16): 3748 . PMID: 34442043 . DOI: 10.3390/jcm101637.


Original articles in indexed journals - Computational RNA Biology

Yuen ZW, Srivastava A, Daniel R, McNevin D, Jack C, Eyras E. Systematic benchmarking of tools for CpG methylation detection from nanopore sequencing. Nat Commun, 2021; 12(1):3438. PMID: 34103501 . DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-23778-6.


Original articles in indexed journals - Integrative Biomedical Informatics

Giannoula A, Centeno E, Mayer MA, Sanz F, Furlong LI. A system-level analysis of patient disease trajectories based on clinical, phenotypic and molecular similarities. Bioinformatics, 2021; 37(10):1435-1443.. PMID: 33185649 . DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa964.


Original articles in indexed journals - Evolutionary Genomics

Mudge JM, Ruiz-Orera J, Prensner JR, Brunet MA, Gonzalez JM, Magrane M, Martinez T, Schulz JF, Yang YT, Albà MM et al. A community-driven roadmap to advance research on translated open reading frames detected by Ribo-seq. bioRxiv, 2021 DOI: 10.1101/2021.06.10.447896.


Original articles in indexed journals - Systems Pharmacology

Faria M, Prats E, Rosas Ramírez JR, Bellot M, Bedrossiantz J, Pagano M, Valls A, Gomez-Canela C, Porta JM, Mestres J, Garcia-Reyero N, Faggio C, Gómez Oliván LM, Raldua D. Androgenic activation, impairment of the monoaminergic system and altered behavior in zebrafish larvae exposed to environmental concentrations of fenitrothion. Sci Total Environ, 2021; 775:145671. PMID: 33621872 . DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145671.


Original articles in indexed journals - Integrative Biomedical Informatics

Piñero J, Saüch J, Sanz F, Furlong LI. The DisGeNET cytoscape app: Exploring and visualizing disease genomics data. Comput Struct Biotec, 2021; 19: 2960-2967
  DOI: 10.1016/ j.csbj.2021.05.015.


Original articles in indexed journals - Computational Science

Varela-Rial A, Majewski M, De Fabritiis G. Structure based virtual screening: Fast and slow. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Computational Molecular Science, 2021; e1544 DOI: 10.1002/wcms.1544.


Original articles in indexed journals - Structural Bioinformatics

Mirela-Bota P, Aguirre-Plans J, Meseguer A, Galletti C, Segura J, Planas-Iglesias J, Garcia-Garcia J, Guney E, Oliva B, Fernandez-Fuentes N. Galaxy InteractoMIX: An Integrated Computational Platform for the Study of Protein-Protein Interaction Data. J Mol Biol, 2021; 433(11): 166656. PMID: 32976910 . DOI: 10.1016/j.jmb.2020.09.015.


Original articles in indexed journals - Systems Pharmacology

Falaguera MJ, Mestres J. Identification of the Core Chemical Structure in SureChEMBL Patents. J Chem Inf Model, 2021; 24;61(5): 2241-2247. PMID: 33929850 . DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.1c00151.


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