

Results 271 - 280 of about 1076

Original articles in indexed journals - Structural Bioinformatics

Salat-Canela C, Paulo E, Sánchez-Mir L, Carmona M, Ayté J, Oliva B, Hidalgo E. Deciphering the role of the signal- and Sty1 kinase-dependent phosphorylation of the stress-responsive transcription factor Atf1 on gene activation. J Biol Chem, 2017 . PMID: 28652406 . DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M117.794339.


Original articles in indexed journals - Integrative Biomedical Informatics

Jiménez RC, Kuzak M, Alhamdoosh M, Barker M, Batut B, Borg M, Capella-Gutierrez S, Chue Hong N, Cook M, Corpas M, Flannery M, Garcia L, Gelpí JL, Gladman S, Goble C, González Ferreiro M, Gonzalez-Beltran A, Griffin PC, Grüning B, Hagberg J, Holub P, Hooft R, Ison J, Katz DS, Leskošek B, López Gómez F, Oliveira LJ, Mellor D, Mosbergen R, Mulder N, Perez-Riverol Y, Pergl R, Pichler H, Pope B, Sanz F, Schneider MV, Stodden V, Suchecki R, Svobodová Vařeková R, Talvik HA, Todorov I, Treloar A, Tyagi S, van Gompel M, Vaughan D, Via A, Wang X, Watson-Haigh NS, Crouch S. Four simple recommendations to encourage best practices in research software. F1000Res, 2017; 6: ELIXIR-876. PMID: 28751965 . DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.11407.1.


Original articles in indexed journals - Functional Genomics

Roverato A, Castelo R. The networked partial correlation and its application to the analysis of genetic interactions.J R STAT SOC C-APPL, 2017; 66 : 3: 647-665 DOI: 10.1111/rssc.12166.


Original articles in indexed journals - Integrative Biomedical Informatics

Matos ML, Lapyckyj L, Rosso M, Besso MJ, Mencucci MV, Briggiler CI, Giustina S, Furlong LI, Vazquez-Levin MH. Identification of a Novel Human E-Cadherin Splice Variant and Assessment of Its Effects Upon EMT-Related Events. J Cell Physiol, 2017; 232 (6): 1368-1386. . PMID: 27682981 . DOI: 10.1002/jcp.25622. Epub 2016 Dec 29..


Original articles in indexed journals - PharmacoInformatics

Nyffeler J, Dolde X, Krebs A, Pinto-Gil K, Pastor M, Behl M, Waldmann T, Leist M. Combination of multiple neural crest migration assays to identify environmental toxicants from a proof‑of‑concept chemical library. Arch Toxicol, 2017; 91(11): 3613-3632. PMID: 28477266 . DOI: 10.1007/s00204-017-1977-y.


Original articles in indexed journals - Integrative Biomedical Informatics

Gomez-Rubio P, Rosato V, Marquez M, Bosetti C, Molina-Montes E, Rava M, Piñero J, Michalski CW, Farré A, Molero X, Löhr M, Ilzarbe L, Perea J, Greenhalf W, O'Rorke M, Tardón A, Gress T, Barberà VM, Crnogorac-Jurcevic T, Muñoz-Bellvís L, Domínguez-Muñoz E, Gutiérrez-Sacristán A, Balsells J, Costello E, Guillén-Ponce C, Huang J, Iglesias M, Kleeff J, Kong B, Mora J, Murray L, O'Driscoll D, Peláez P, Poves I, Lawlor RT, Carrato A, Hidalgo M, Scarpa A, Sharp L, Furlong LI, Real FX, La Vecchia C, Malats N, PanGenEU Study Investigators. A systems approach identifies time-dependent associations of multimorbidities with pancreatic cancer risk. Ann Oncol, 2017 . PMID: 28383714 .


Original articles in indexed journals - Computational Science

Martínez-Rosell G, Giorgino T, Harvey MJ, de Fabritiis G. Drug Discovery and Molecular Dynamics: Methods, Applications and Perspective Beyond the Second Timescale. Curr Top Med Chem, 2017 . PMID: 28413955 . DOI: 10.2174/1568026617666170414142549.


Original articles in indexed journals - Computational RNA Biology

Singh B, Eyras E. The role of alternative splicing in cancer. Transcription,  2017; 8(2): 91-98. PMID: 28005460 . DOI: 10.1080/21541264.2016.1268245.


Original articles in indexed journals - Computational RNA Biology

Middleton R, Gao D, Thomas A, Singh B, Au A, Wong JJ, Bomane A, Cosson B, Eyras E, Rasko JE, Ritchie W. IRFinder: assessing the impact of intron retention on mammalian gene expression. Genome Biol, 2017; 18(1):51 . PMID: 28298237 . DOI: 10.1186/s13059-017-1184-4.


Original articles in indexed journals - Structural Bioinformatics

Garcia-Garcia J, Valls-Comamala V, Guney E, Andreu D, Muñoz FJ, Fernandez-Fuentes N, Oliva B. iFraG: A protein-protein interface prediction server based on sequence fragments. J Mol Biol, 2017; 429(3): 382-389 . PMID: 27956148 . DOI: 10.1016/j.jmb.2016.11.034.


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