

Results 501 - 510 of about 1338

Original articles in indexed journals - Computational Genomics - group

Ferreira PG, Jares P, Rico D, Gómez-López G, Martínez-Trillos A, Villamor N, Ecker S, González-Pérez A, Knowles DG, Monlong J, Johnson R, Quesada V, Gouin A, Djebali S, López-Guerra M, Colomer D, Royo C, Cazorla M, Pinyol M, Clot G, Aymerich M, Rozman M, Kulis M, Tamborero D, Papasaikas P, Blanc J, Gut M, Gut I, Puente XS, Pisano DG, Martin-Subero JI, López-Bigas N, López-Guillermo A, Valencia A, López-Otín C, Campo E, Guigo R. Transcriptome characterization by RNA sequencing identifies a major molecular and clinical subdivision in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Genome Res, 2014; 24 (2): 212-226. PMID: 24265505 . DOI: 10.1101/gr.152132.112.


Original articles in indexed journals - Integrative Biomedical Informatics

Espinet B, Ferrer A, Bellosillo B, Nonell L, Salar A, Fernández-Rodríguez C, Puigdecanet E, Gimeno J, Garcia-Garcia M, Vela MC, Luño E, Collado R, Navarro JT, de la Banda E, Abrisqueta P, Arenillas L, Serrano C, Lloreta J, Miñana B, Cerutti A, Florensa L, Orfao A, Sanz F, Solé F, Dominguez-Sola D, Serrano S. Distinction between asymptomatic monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis with cyclin D1 overexpression and mantle cell lymphoma: from molecular profiling to flow cytometry. Clin Cancer Res, 2014; 20: 1007-1019. PMID: 24352646 . DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-13-1077.


Original articles in indexed journals - Computational Science

Bisignano P, Doerr S, Harvey MJ, Favia AD, Cavalli A, de Fabritiis G. Kinetic characterization of fragment binding in AmpC beta-lactamase by high-throughput molecular simulations. J Chem Inf Model, 2014; 54 (2): 362-366. PMID: 24444037 . DOI: 10.1021/ci4006063 FEB 2014.


Original articles in indexed journals - Structural Bioinformatics

Bonet J, Planas-Iglesias J, García-García J, Marín-López MA, Fernández-Fuentes N*, Oliva B*. ArchDB 2014: structural classification of loops in proteins. Nucleic Acids Res, 2014;
42 (D1): D315-D319. PMID: 24265221 . DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkt1189 JAN 2014.


Original articles in indexed journals - Computational Science

Huang X, De Fabritiis G. Understanding molecular recognition by kinetic network models constructed from molecular dynamics simulations. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2014;797:107-14. PMID: 24297279 . DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-7606-7_9 2014.


Other - Computational RNA Biology

Plass M, Eyras E. Approaches to link RNA secondary structures with splicing regulation. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2014; 1126: 341-356 . PMID: 24549676 . DOI: 10.1007/978-1-62703-980-2_25.


Book chapters - Computational RNA Biology

Alamancos GP, Agirre E, Eyras E.. Methods to Study Splicing from High-Throughput RNA Sequencing Data. Methods in Molecular Biology 2014; 1126: 357-397. PMID: 24549677 . DOI: 10.1007/978-1-62703-980-2_26.


Original articles in indexed journals - Computational Science

Buch I, Ferruz N, De Fabritiis G. Computational modeling of an EGFR single-mutation resistance to cetuximab in colorectal cancer treatment. J Chem Inf Model, 2013; 53 (12):3123-3126. PMID: 24219403 . DOI: 10.1021/ci400456m DEC 2013.


Original articles in indexed journals - Systems Pharmacology

Garcia-Reyero N, Escalon BL, Prats E, K Stanley J, Thienpont B, Melby NL, Barón E, Eljarrat E, Barceló D, Mestres J, Babin PJ, Perkins EJ, Raldúa D. Effects of BDE-209 contaminated sediments on zebrafish development and potential implications to human health. Environ Int. 2013 Dec 5;63C:216-223. PMID: 24317228 . DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2013.11.012.


Original articles in indexed journals - Integrative Biomedical Informatics - Systems Pharmacology

Lopes P, Nunes T, Campos D, Furlong LI, Bauer-Mehren A, Sanz F, Carrascosa MC, Mestres J, Kors J, Singh B, van Mulligen E, Van der Lei J, Diallo G, Avillach P, Ahlberg E, Boyer S, Diaz C, Oliveira JL. Gathering and Exploring Scientific Knowledge in Pharmacovigilance. PLoS One, 2013; 11;8(12):e83016. PMID: 24349421 . DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083016.


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