


New Structure

GRIB informs that from this year the Research Group on Biomedical Informatics of IMIM/UPF has passed of to be considered a group to a unit due to the increase of personnel and to the increment of its laboratories, from now on denominated groups.

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INFOBIOMED: Structuring European Biomedical Informatics to Support Individualised Healthcare.

The Research Unit on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB) of the Institut Municipal d’Investigació Mèdica (IMIM) coordinates the only European Network of Excellence granted to Catalonia and endowed with a budget of 5 million euros. This network, called “Structuring European Biomedical Informatics to Support Individualised Healthcare (INFOBIOMED)”, is funded by the European Commission within the VI Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (RTD).

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We are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Jordi Mestres as head of the new Chemogenomics Laboratory at the Research Group on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB) of the Municipal Institute of Medical Research (IMIM) in Barcelona.

Dr. Mestres will be joining the IMIM from Organon where he served as Head of the Computational Medicinal Chemistry group (2000-2003, Newhouse, UK) and as Research Scientist in the Molecular Design and Informatics group (1997-2000, Oss, The Netherlands).

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The Research Group on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB) has received the Quality Certificate from the Centre for Innovation and Business Development (CIDEM) of the Catalan Government.

The Quality Certificate was awarded by the General Secretary of Industry of the Catalan Government during the IV Annual Meeting of Technology and Knowledge Transfer Networks, hosted by CIDEM on the 27th of May in the World Trade Center of Barcelona.

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Dr. Roderic Guigó, Ciutat de Barcelona Award to the Scientific Research

Dr. Roderic Guigó, Head of the Genome Bioinformatics Laboratory at the GRIB, has been honoured with the Ciutat de Barcelona Award to the Scientific Research. This prize has been granted for his research in bioinformatics, such as the comparative analysis of complex genomes, like the mouse and the mosquito Anopheles gambiae.

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GRIB scientists participate in the analysis of the mouse genome sequence.

The sequence and analysis of more than 95 percent of the mouse genome is published for the first time in current edition of Nature. In addition to revealing 9000 new mouse genes, the research papers reveal 1200 new human genes, a significant number of which are likely to be involved in cancers and other diseases. These findings will allow researchers to home in more rapidly on genes in order to better diagnose and treat many human diseases

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SMARTIE project, coordinated by the Health Informatics Laboratory at the GRIB, finalist in the Stockholm Challenge Award

Project SMARTIE, "Smart Medical Applications Repository of Tools for Informed Expert Decision" funded by the European Commission IST program was rewarded with the finalist award of the 2002 Stockholm Challenge Award in the category "Health" out of 62 registered projects. The project received the prize at the venue of the Nobel Banquet.

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