


The GRIB takes part in the fifth edition of the Enterpreneurs Day

GRIB has participated in the fifht edition of the Enterpreneurs Day that has taken place in the Catalonia Palace of Congresses (av. Diagonal, 661-671. Barcelona) from 30th to 31st of May 2006. This event offers almost 200 activities as plenary sessions, lectures, workshops and face to face meetings where the enterpreneurs are offered the opportunity to explain their idea to start a business and the university research centers can offer their expertise to interested enterprises.

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The application for the 3rd edition of the MSc on Bioinformatics for Health Sciences is open

For students interested in the third edition (2006-2008) of the MSc on Bioinformatics for Health Sciences the on-line application protocol is open now until June 9th 2006. The on-line registration to the Master will take place in September 2006.

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GRIB participates in the 4th edition of Live Research

This is the first time that the GRIB (IMIM/UPF) participates in Live Research, a fair that aims to improve the Barcelona’s society scientific culture showing to the general public the research that is being done nowadays in the city.

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CGL participates in the GENIUS PHARMA project, an initiative funded by the CENIT Programme

The Chemogenomics Laboratory (CGL) of the Research Unit on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB - IMIM/UPF) will participate in the CENIT Program, an initiative of the Spanish government to promote public and private cooperation in R&D.

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Nuria López-Bigas receives a Career Development Award from the HSPO

Núria López-Bigas, Senior researcher of the GRIB’s research group of Computational Genomics, has been awarded with a Career Development by the the Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) to investigate a case study entitled “Causes and mechanisms of tumour development: a computational approach”. The Career Development Award rewards young scientists who return to their home countries after postdoctoral training abroad and need support in the critical period of setting up their independent laboratories.

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CHEMOTARGETS SL: a new spin-off from IMIM is born

On Tuesday, March 28th, CHEMOTARGETS SL has been constituted as a spin-off initiative from the Chemogenomics Lab (CGL) of the Research Unit on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB), associated to the Municipal Institute of Medical Research (IMIM) and the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF).

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GRIB members develop a tool called PIANA, that facilitates working with protein interaction networks

PIANA (Protein Interactions And Network Analysis) is a new software framework and tool developed by the GRIB researcher Ramon Aragüés, from the Structural Bioinformatics research group. This new software facilitates working with protein interaction networks by

1. integrating data from multiple sources,
2. providing a library that handles graph-related tasks and
3. automating the analysis of protein-protein interaction networks.

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Call for students for the Second INFOBIOMED Training Challenge

The Second INFOBIOMED Training Challenge has started its countdown with the dissemination of his call for students brochure in the INFOBIOMED webpage. This innovative training experience organized by the Network of Excellence INFOBIOMED and coordinated by the GRIB will take place in Viladrau (Barcelona, Spain) from the 29th May to the 2nd of June 2006.

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GRIB participates in the conference course "Biodebats" in Madrid

The Research Unit on Biomedical Informatics (IMIM/UPF) will participate in the conference course "Biodebats", organized by the Generalitat de Catalunya in Madrid with the support of the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB). The conferences will take place in the Cultural Centre Blanquerna (c. d’Alcalà, 44) from the 22th February to the 29th June 2006 with the motto "science, as a part of the culture".

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The VII INFOBIOMED Consortium Meeting takes place in Barcelona

The VII INFOBIOMED Consortium Meeting took place from 26th to 27th January in the Universitat Pompeu Fabra rectorship building. Thirty researchers from the sixteen different European organisations involved in INFOBIOMED met to review the work done and to plan the progress to be achieved in 2006, which is the last one of this project.

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