


GRIB (IMIM/UPF) organizes the Course on Design & Management on Bioinformatics Projects (12th, 19th and 26th of November 2007)

GRIB organises the Course on Design & Management on Bioinformatics Projects, leaded coordinated by Carlos Díaz, with the participation of several GRIB scientists and members of its management department.(Director Prof. Ferran Sanz and Eva Molero and Carlos Díaz-Acedo as representative lecturers of the GRIB Management Department. Also, some GRIB researchers like Dr. Jordi Villà-Freixa (Computational Biophysics and Biochemistry lab.) and Dr. Jordi Mestres (Chemogenomics lab.) will participate actively as lecturers in this meeting. Also external specialists from different domains will provide their perspective on this interesting subject.

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The final review of INFOBIOMED project was held last 28th September in Brussels. The review went very well, and the project was congratulated for its impressive achievments.

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The 2007 Knowledge Transfer Award has been granted to Dr. Jordi Mestres of the Research Unit on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB) - IMIM/UPF.

The Social Council Awards Jury from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) has granted the Knowledge Transfer Award to the GRIB researcher Dr. Jordi Mestres (Head of the Chemogenomics Laboratory of the GRIB) in the field of the Experimental and Health Sciences.

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The Forum for Innovation will hold its 2007 edition

Next October 18th, CIDEM (Centre d´Innovació i Desenvolupament Empresarial) will organise in Barcelona the "Forum for innovation 2007", with the aim to serve as a platform of discussion on innovation hot topics and to give support to entrepeneurs and services for enterprises.

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The “International Symposium on Biomedical Informatics in Europe” presentations, are now available in pdf format at the Symposium website.

On 26 and 27 June, the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (Parc de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona) hosted numerous international professionals who specialise in the application of information technology to health sciences. They attended the first International Symposium on Biomedical Informatics in Europe.

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The GRIB is organising the INB workshop, held at the PRBB facilities on 23rd May 2007.

The node of the Spanish Institute of Bioinformatics at the Research Unit of Biomedical Informatics (GRIB) of IMIM-UPF is now starting a new period activity (2007-2009) with a focus in Biomedical Informatics. In order to give the most appropriated focus to our activity in this area, the GRIB is organising a workshop with the participation of international experts, members of our unit and PIs of the INB nodes.

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The GRIB is organising the International Symposium on Biomedical Informatics in Europe, that will take place in Barcelona on 25-27th June 2007.

The Research Unit on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB/IMIM-UPF) organises the International Symposium on Biomedical Informatics that will take place at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) locations on 25th, 26 and 27th of June.

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The GRIB hosted the workshop on “Biocomputation and knowledge management in medicines R&D” on the 17th of April in Barcelona.

The Research Unit on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB) hosted on the 17th of April the workshop “Biocomputation and knowledge management in medicines R&D”, promoted by the Knowledge Management Group of the Spanish Technology Platform for Innovative Medicines (PTEMI). More than forty representatives attended this event, coming from the industry and the academia alike. This is the second of the series of workshops of the PTEMI

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GRIB participates in the organisation of a series of workshops of the Spanish Technology Platform for Innovative Medicines (PTEMI) in Valencia, Barcelona and Madrid (Spain).

The Research Unit on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB) is actively involved in the organization of a series of workshops entitled “Biocomputation and knowledge management in medicines R&D”, promoted by the Knowledge Management Group of the PTEMI.

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Project MELIUS

The GRIB participates in the project MELIUS, which has been funded by the CENIT programme of the CDTI.

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