



The Annual Conference of Biomedical Research Tecnological Patforms will be celebrated in Barcelona on February 23rd - 24th

This event will join all stakeholders and institutions working in drug research, nanomedicine and health technologies and will allow to know the last news at european level of the different platforms. Moreover, a wide range of the last initiatives and public – private cooperation projects of in these fields will be presented. Registration form available in

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IntOGen: An innovative system for Integrative OncoGenomics

HFSP Career Development Award holder Nuria Lopez-Bigas and colleagues

The Biomedical Genomics laboratory at University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona,, led by Nuria López–Bigas, has developed an innovative system for the analysis and integration of vast amounts of cancer genomics data. The results generated by this system, called IntOGen, can be accessed at journal Nature Methods has published recently un article with the description of this new tool: "IntOGen: Integration and data-mining of multidimensional oncogenomic data".

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Praveena Surapaneni, researcher of Chemogenomics Laboratory of GRIB, awarded with the Best Poster Award of Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference 2010 (APBC 2010)

The Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference series is an annual forum for exploring research, development and novel applications of Bioinformatics. The eigth edition took place last 18-21 January in Bangalore, India.

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UPFARMA platform has participated in the 2nd edition of InterACC1Ó

UPFARMA platform has participated in the 2nd edition of InterACC1Ó, a key appointment to anticipate trends, get to know new business opportunities and discover how to grow in competitivity in an evolving market. The event took place the last 28th of October 2009 at the Barcelona Forum and was organised by ACC1Ó-"The Catalonian Technological Network" (TECNIO). In this context, UPFARMA has been present in the media to disseminate its expertise and objectives, in particular, to pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies.

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The Project “Computerised system for management and exploitation of genomic data for the personalized healthcare” granted with the InnoCash Program of FECYT

The Biomedical Genomics laboratory of GRIB (UPF – IMIM), , led by Nuria López – Bigas will be in charge of the coordination of this project in which also participates the private company Sistemas Genómicos. The funding received for the project amounts 500.000 euros for 2 years.

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The project "ActivA: translational bioinformatics in health care" granted by MITC

The Computational Biochemistry and Biophysics laboratory (, led by Jordi Villà-Freixa, has become part of an ambitious innovation project to pave the way for integration of  the data coming from the patient with the results that the researcher obtains from it, ensuring the quality control and the rational of this flow of information in both directions thanks to the clinicians involvement. The budget for the project is more than 1.2 M. Euros, partially funded during 2 and a half years by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, and will be carried out by a consortium integrated by the UPF, the Associación Madrileña contra la Fibrosis Quística, Intelligent Software Components SA, and coordinated by O2 Health Link (O2H ™).

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Ignasi Buch, researcher of GRIB (IMIM - UPF) granted with the award El.lipse organized by the group "Science meets Society" and the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) with the graphic design "TOTIPOTENT"


The project "In-silico modeling of antipsychotic drug actions towards a paradigm change in antipsychotic drug discovery" will be funded by Fundació La Marató de TV3

The project was presented by the researchers of GRIB (IMIM - UPF): Jana Selent as PI, Manuel Pastor and Gianni de Fabritiis. The project verses about the mechanism of action of currently used antipsychotic drugs which is still unclear, but it is widely accepted that they interact with multiple G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). In order to discover novel pharmacological targets and lead structures, we focus on GPCR dimerization in the context of antipsychotic drug action. The physical phenomena of the receptor dimerization and putative drug targets under physiological conditions will be studied using accelerated molecular dynamics achieving supercomputing scale performance in the microsecond regime.

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II International Symposium on Biomedical Informatics in Europe

The II International Symposium on Biomedical Informatics in Europe joined more than 100 participants last October 30th in Barcelona. The symposium, held at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) premises was organized by GRIB (IMIM/ UPF) and ISCIII in the frame of the network COMBIOMED: The Spanish Cooperative Thematic Research Network on Biomedical Computation (

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Un proyecto científico en BCN usa tarjetas gráficas para investigar el sida. El Periódico, 6 de Noviembre 2009.

Primero fueron las Playstation 3 y ahora las tarjetas gráficas de última
generación de Nvidia. Estos son los innovadores instrumentos que
utiliza el proyecto CPUGrid, que coordinan investigadores del Institut
Municipal d'Investigació Mèdica (IMIM) de l'Hospital del Mar y la
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), para estudiar los mecanismos de la
esquizofrenia, el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (HIV) y la síntesis de las proteínas. Los resultados de la investigación se publicarán en breve en revistas científicas.

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