



Come to the first Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Session on November 22, 2013

Due to the high number of registrations received, the event has been moved to a new location at Fundació RBA - Av. Diagonal, 189 (Barcelona). Registration will be open until November 20th.


The aim of this meeting is to bring together all the Bioinformatics community established in Catalonia. For this reason, the session has been structured in short talks presented by colleagues coming from different research groups, institutions and locations. A poster session will be held next to auditorium.

We encourage you all to participate and we hope to see you in November the 22nd!

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High-throughput molecular dynamics workshop

The Computational Biophysics group of GRIB led by Gianni de Fabritiis is organizing together with Acellera a workshop on high-throughput molecular dynamics in the PRBB.

On Thursday at 6.30pm in  the central square of PRBB there will be the poster and beer session.

For more information of the event click here

 If you would like to come to see the posters, just send a mail to htmd.workshop at

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Thesis defence of Nils Jan Daniel Drechsel: “Development of a multiscale protocol for the study of energetic of protein dynamics”

On October 31st, Nils Jan Daniel Drechsel, member of the Computational Biochemistry group of GRIB (IMIM-UPF) will defend his thesis at 10.00 at the PRBB Seminar´s room 473.10. You are all invited to this event.

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Come to the first Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Session on November 22, 2013

Bioinformatics Barcelona (BIB) promotes this session to bring together all the Bioinformatics and Computational Biologists community established in Catalonia. We encourage you all to present an abstract for an oral communication or poster.

Registration is required (free of charge). Register Now

Abstract deadline: Tuesday, October 29
Oral Communications list publication: Monday, November 4
Posters list publication: Monday, Friday, November 8
Registration deadline: Friday, November 15

All the information about the session is available here 

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de dreta a esquerra: González-Pérez A, López-Bigas N i Tamborero D


La revista Nature Genetics publica l'Atles Genòmic del Càncer

Fruit del treball col·laboratiu d'un consorci internacional del qual han format part investigadors del grup de Genòmica Biomèdica del GRIB, David Tamborero,  Abel González-Pérez i la cap del grup Núria López-Bigas, s´ha publicat a la revista Nature Genetics, l'Atles Genòmic del Càncer.

Els investigadors del GRIB han col·laborat en aquest projecte mitjançant l'anàlisi de les mutacions presents en els teixits tumorals (principalment de pulmó, mama, bufeta o cervell) per tal d'identificar quines, entre totes les observades, són realment alteracions clau per al desenvolupament i progressió de cada tumor.

Treball de referència:

Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network (including Lopez-Bigas N,  González-Pérez A, Tamborero D), Weinstein JN, Collison EA, Mills GB, Shaw KM, Ozenberger BA, Ellrot K, Shmulevich I, Sander C, Stuart JM. The Cancer Genome Atlas Pan-Cancer Analysis Project. Nat Genet, 2013; 45: 1113–1120

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Babita Singh (Regulatory Genomics Group) with the awarded researchers


The project 'Elucidating the Network of Breast Cancer' awarded with a grant of Sandra Ibarra Foundation

The project of the Regulatory Genomics group of GRIB (IMIM-UPF) led by E. Eyras will study the alterations of the protein interactions in breast cancer cells, by recapitulating the conditions of tumor cells in a normal cell model. The alterations in expression thus produced would be examined using advanced genomics and proteomics technology.      

Sandra Ibarra Foundation of Solidarity against Cancer organizes this annual event for their support to research in breast cancer. For the Regulatory Genomics group, it was a proud moment, a motivation and a wonderful opportunity to witness and be a part of an event where members of the scientific and non-scientific communities joined hands and pledged to work for the betterment of the society.

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Descifrando el genoma de los tumores para avanzar hacia la medicina personalizada del cáncer

Núria López -Bigas y su equipo del grupo de Genómica Biomédica del GRIB (IMIM- UPF) han recopilado y estudiado las mutaciones descritas en 4.623 tumores originados en trece órganos diferentes para identificar los genes implicados en el desarrollo de la enfermedad y avanzar hacia la medicina personalizada del cáncer. Los resultados se han publicado en la revista Nature Methods.

Los autores han declarado que "algunos de los genes clave que hemos identificado codifican proteínas que son posibles dianas para nuevos tratamientos contra el cáncer " y "además, esta información podría ayudar a afinar el diagnóstico de cada paciente para utilizar las estrategias terapéuticas existentes más adecuadas, e identificar marcadores para la detección precoz de la enfermedad".

Trabajo de referencia

Abel González-Pérez, Christian Pérez-Llamas, Jordi Deu-Pons, David Tamborero, Michael P Schroeder, Alba Jené-Sanz, Alberto Santos, Nuria López-Bigas (2013), “IntOGen-mutations identifies cancer drivers across tumor types”,  Nature Methods, 10.1038/nmeth.2642, 15 de septembre.

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Thesis defence of Xavier Jalencas "Chemoisosterism and its impact on drug polypharmacology"

On September 17th, Xavier Jalencas, member of the Systems Pharmacology Group of GRIB (IMIM-UPF) will defend his thesis at 12.00 at the PRBB Auditorium. You are all invited to this event.

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The integrity of the human genome depends on a protein complex that controls the behavior of mobile DNA

Researchers of the Regulatory Genomics group of GRIB (IMIM/ UPF) led by E. Eyras have participated in this study published at Nature Structural and Molecular Biology Journal, which describes the mechanism by which most human cells can avoid being "bombarded" by mobile DNA fragments. This repetitive DNA has the ability to make a copies, which get inserted into other locations in the genome.

Article Reference:
Heras SR, Macías S, Plass Mireia, Fernández N, Cano D, Eyras E, García-Pérez JL, Cáceres JF. The Microprocessor controls the activity of mammalian retrotransposons. Nat Struct Mol Biol, 2013

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Thesis defence of Juan Ramón González-Vallinas "Software development and analysis of High Throughput Sequencing data for genomic enhancer prediction"

On September 9th, Juan Ramón González-Vallinas , member of the Computational Genomics Group of GRIB (IMIM-UPF) will defend his thesis at 11:30 at the Charles Darwin Room. You are all invited to this event.

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