


VII Conferencia Anual de las Plataformas Tecnológicas de Investigación Biomédica en Barcelona

Los próximos días 4 y 5 de marzo se celebrará en el hotel FIRA PALACE de Barcelona la VII Conferencia Anual de las Plataformas Tecnológicas de Investigación Biomédica: Medicamentos Innovadores, Nanomedicina, Tecnología Sanitaria y Mercados Biotecnológicos. El Reto en Salud.

Esta séptima edición repasará las actividades de las cuatro plataformas de investigación biomédica en 2013 y debatirá aspectos clave que marcarán los proyectos para los próximos años, además de animar la participación española en diferentes iniciativas internacionales. 

Las inscripciones pueden realizarse vía web en:

El GRIB coordina junto a Farmaindustria la Plataforma Española de Medicamentos Innovadores (PTEMI) coorganizadora de este evento.

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Animation on orphan genes

Jose Luis Villanueva and Mar Albà, members of the Evolutionary Genomics Group of GRIB (IMIM - UPF) have participated in the production of a video on orphan genes. The video explains the origin of genes, which are the main functional units in genomes. Whereas many genes are formed by duplication of preexisting genes others arise directly from genomic regions by still poorly understood mechanisms. The latter genes are called orphan genes and represent radically new inventions. The animation was produced during the 2013 edition of the Workshop Inform.animation at University of Alghero (Italy), funded by the EU Erasmus Lifelong Learning Programme. It was inspired in the work developed at the Evolutionary Genomics Group of GRIB, and in other groups around the world, on the birth of new genes.

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Ignasi Buch, Premi extraordinari de doctorat del curs 2011-12 a la UPF

La Comissió de Postgrau i Doctorat de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra ha decidit atorgar el premi extraordinari de doctorat del curs 2011-12 a l’estudiant Ignasi Buch per la tesi "Investigation of protein-ligand interactions using high-throughput all-atom molecular dynamics simulations" dirigida per Gianni de Fabritiis, cap del grup de Biofísica computacional del GRIB. Felicitats Ignasi!!!

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Mar Albà has been nominated Associate Editor of Genome Biology and Evolution (GBE)

Mar Albà, ICREA researcher and head of the Evolutionary Genomics group of GRIB (IMIM-UPF), will serve a three-year term in the Editorial Board of Genome Biology and Evolution (GBE). GBE publishes leading original research at the interface between evolutionary biology and genomics. The journal was created five years ago by the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE) under an Open Access model and it is positioned to set the highest standards for papers in the growing field of evolutionary genomics. It is currently 10th out of 47 journals in evolutionary biology according to ISI.

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The master in bioinformatics for health sciences of the UPF launches a new website

Come to the new website of the master in bioinformatics and have a look to the new sections of professors, student experiences, collaborating institutions, news and much more ...We also added some useful links and information about facilities for students. We hope you enjoy it!

The master in Bioinformatics for Health Sciences of the UPF aims to provide professionals and researchers with expertise and skills geared towards developing new computational strategies and IT systems that are useful in biomedical research. The master is coordinated by the GRIB.

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Analysing chemical structures can help to predict a drug’s toxicity


Project eTOX at the Financial Times article: "Science: High-tech drug research gives us a fuller picture"

The article highlights that 13 pharmaceutical companies have joined forces with academic institutions under the umbrella of the joint industry and EU-funded Innovative Medicines Initiative IMI on the “eTox” project. By sharing data on compounds they have tested in previous years, they are developing computer models to predict a drug’s toxicity, or how damaging it would be on a human, based on its chemical structure.

There is a strong spirit of co-operation through public-private partnerships,” says Patrick Wier, GlaxoSmithKline’s vice-president for clinical safety. “Everyone appreciates the complexity of drug safety and recognises that we need to work together.”

eTOX project is coordinated by the GRIB.

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The GRIB granted in the first edition of the TECNIOSPRING call

The GRIB has been granted with two fellowships: one incoming fellowship for Narcís Fernández-Fuentes, reader in Bioinformatics at Aberystwyth University (UK) who will join the Structural Bioinformatics group of GRIB led by Baldo Oliva and one outgoing + return fellowship for David Tamborero, researcher of the Biomedical Genomics group of GRIB led by Núria López-Bigas. Both projects promote the technology transfer in the field of biology.

TECNIOSPRING is an international mobility fellowship programme that gives experienced researchers focused on technology transfer the possibility to develop their research career in a TECNIO centre. The program is cofunded by the catalan agency ACC10 and the european Marie Curie COFUND actions of the 7th FP.

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The Biomedical Genomics group of GRIB granted from La Marató de TV3

We are very honored to announce that the Biomedical Genomics group leaded by Núria López-Bigas have received funds for a 3-year project from the money raised in the last Marató de TV3.

The aim of the project funded is to create a platform of personalized cancer medicine, in summary a framework that will analyze all the flood of omics data provided by large-scale tumor studies to extract useful knowledge and identify actionable items that will guide clinical decision-making in each novel individual patient. Through this note we want to thank the generosity of those who -in some manner- contributed to this cause and to express our commitment and enthusiasm to succeed in this project.

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Més de tres-cents científics reunits a Barcelona en la I Jornada de Bioinformàtica i Biologia Computacional

Tots aquests científics, de diferents nacionalitats i institucions, treballen a Catalunya i formen part del gran nombre de grups de recerca dedicats a aquest àmbit. En els darrers anys, Catalunya ha esdevingut líder en bioinformàtica, i s’ha configurat una potent massa crítica d’investigadors en aquesta disciplina.

Aquesta va ser la primera gran trobada de bioinformàtics de Catalunya, i es va aprofitar per a presentar Bioinformatics Barcelona (BiB), una nova plataforma de la qual Ferran Sanz, Director del GRIB i catedràtic d'Informàtica Biomèdica de la UPF, n'és el director científic. BiB ha estat creada per a impulsar la formació, la recerca i la transferència tecnològica en bioinformàtica, i per a posicionar l'àrea de Barcelona com a pol de referència mundial en aquest àmbit.

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BG group members


New video of the Biomedical Genomics Group

The Biomedical Genomics Group of GRIB (IMIM-UPF) develops new computational methods to identify genes and relevant mutations with the aim of designing intelligent treatments which are more effective and safer for patients. Click here to watch the video.

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