

eTOX project extension approved until 2016

The review of the eTOX extension proposal (ENSO) was very positively evaluated by IMI JU and an extension until 2016 has been approved. The accomplishments of the eTOX team were highlighted as recommendable and the reviewers also considered it impressive that the eTOX consortium has generated such a large number of high quality publications. The extension will build upon early successes by expanding the acquisition of additional toxicology data inputs (species, types of trials, etc) and allowing access to more public databases. For this purpose four new partners: Fraunhofer ITEM (Germany), Erasmus Medical Center (Holland), University of Leicester (UK) and Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain),  will join the consortium, allowing for greater linking between experimental animal and biochemical studies with human outcomes.

eTOX project is funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking (IMI-JU) and coordinated by the GRIB.

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