

Manuel Pastor

Manuel Pastor is associate professor of biostatistics at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF, Spain) and head of the PharmacoInformatics group of the IMIM-UPF joint Research Programme on Biomedical Informatics (GRIB). He obtained a degree in Pharmacy in 1987 and a PhD in 1994 at the University of Alcalá (Spain). He spent a two years post-doctoral stay at the Laboratory of Chemometics, University of Perugia (Italy), under the supervision of Sergio Clementi and Gabriele Cruciani. As a post-doctoral researcher he worked first at the Laboratory of Molecular Pharmacology, University of Alcalá, under the supervision of Federico Gago and then as Scientific Leader for Multivariate Infometric Analysis Srl. in Perugia, between 1998 and 2000. Manuel is author of more than 50 scientific articles and book chapters and main responsible of numerous research projects in the field of drug design, in collaboration with public and private institutions. He developed numerous scientific software of widespread use in pharmaceutical companies and academic centers (GOLPE, ALMOND, Greater, SHOP, Pentacle).


Manuel Pastor coordinated the courses of Biostatistics at the UPF degrees of Biology, Human Biology and Medicine from year 2000 to the present. Also, he coordinates the Computer-Assisted Drug Design course at the Master in Bioinformatics for Health Sciences of the UPF, since 2006. Apart from these courses, he has collaborated in teaching advanced data analysis methods in diverse Masters and PhD teaching programs and gave lectures about drug design methodologies at the University San Pablo CEU (Madrid, Spain), University of Vienna (Austria) and the University of Basel (Switzerland).

Research interests

  • To improve current methodologies used for in silico prediction systems and multi-level modeling, at different areas related with drug discovery and development.
  • Application of structural and simulation methods to the investigation of the molecular mechanisms involved in the pharmacological effects of antipsychotic drugs.

Manuel has participated in diverse EU funded projects like Link3D, Cancergrid, OpenPHACTS, eTOX and currently he is involved in the IMI projects eTRANSAFEiPiE and EU-ToxRisk projects in collaboration with pharmaceutical companies and academic institutions, aiming to improve the current state-of-the-art of drug discovery and development.

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